Properly designed EHS apps provide the means of creating reports in the field from the palm of your hand.
You can save time and money by collecting data and photographic evidence in the field and generating a report from your iOS device.
These apps are designed for a novice to an experienced professional.
EHS Apps
Typical Example: Ergonomic EGOS Report
Sample Images of a Smart Device
Sample Image of a Typical Multi-Page Report
Use the keyboard on your smart device to type in short responses.
Use drop down and fill-in menus to select responses.
Red text on reports notify you of issues that need your attention.
All apps follow an easy to navigate design.
With the "click of a button" your smart device converts your data into a professional report.
Items of concern are reported in a way that will help focus you on taking action.
Reviewing ergonomics involves a clipboard, camera, and tape measure; with duplication of effort when transcribing data, inserting photo, etc. Adding calculations or recommendations is an additional step.
GEAR (General Ergonomics Area Review app) and
EGOS (Ergonomics General Office Survey app) provide reviews using the Snook Tables and the parameters from RULA, REBA, and NIOSH.
Dust Screening
Dust explosions continue to plague industry. One of the challenges is a way to rapidly assess and rank potential hazards, ranging from basic housekeeping, to dust Kst value, to material(s) processed.
EXPOSÉ (EXplosive POtential Screening Evaluation app) is based on recommendations from NFPA, OSHA, FM Global, and others. The report includes recommendations for deficiencies noted.
Energy Sources
OSHA’s rules require detailed documentation of energy. Photo documentation helps prevent mistakes; but if you chose this route, it can take a long time to include pictures in written procedures.
LATER (Lock-out And Tag-out Evaluation Reporter app) produces single page documentation of all energy sources, along with a picture – such as a valve – so the chance of an error is eliminated.
GHS Label
GLIB (GHS Label Information Builder app) is used by a knowledgeable EHS professionals to create labels for such things as process vessels and piping systems.
Gap Analysis
SHARPER (Safety & Health Audit; Responsibility, Property & Environment Reporter app) allows a multi-media inspection to be completed far more rapidly and accurately than traditional methods. Incorporating a library of references, as well as support for photo documentation, means less time is spent auditing.
Industrial Hygiene
Sampling Suite
Collecting IH data can be tedious, with a lot of duplication of effort with data transcribing. In addition, the chance of spelling, calculation or transcription errors is always present. Custom apps allow all data to be collected, including pictures, calibration information and signature. The appropriate App can even submit a laboratory submission sheet, as well as generate a report in situfor a direct-reading instrument.
MINUTES (Mobile Industrial hygiene UTility of Environmental Sampling app) is used for traditional IH sampling where laboratory analysis is involved.
TIMING (The IH Mobile IN-situ data Gatherer app) is specific for report generation where direct-reading instruments are used in the field.
NERD (Noise Evaluation, Reference, and Dosimetry app) gives detailed information on noise assessment, including photos of calibration and exposure data readouts.
CORES (Complete Office Rapid Environmental Screen app) is used as a specific tool for indoor air quality investigations, often providing a report the same day.
Done Your Way
CIRCE (Custom Inspection Report Criteria Evaluator app) is a tool that can be economically customized to your safety inspection criteria.
Using electronic data collection compared to traditional paper forms increases your productivity, enhances accuracy, and saves tens to hundreds of person-hours per year.
EHS Apps
To expand upon CIRCE – this is an app that would be used for things such as periodic EHS inspections. Again, set up and customized to be the way you want it, from your logo to staff names.
Not Just
We can app-etize almost any form you use currently. Inspections your Quality department fills out daily. A checklist that Shipping completes prior to packaging. The sky is the limit; but in truth there is no limit.
Try A
The H-WRAP demo (Hazardous Waste Area Report Provider app) is available for free. This is used to perform inspections on your hazardous waste accumulation area. When the inspection is completed, you can e-mail the inspection sheet as a letter-sized PDF file, perfect for printing or storing electronically.
1.) Go to the iOS App Store and install free FileMaker GO app.
2.) Then, come back to this webpage on your device.
3.) When you tap on "click here", you will start to download the file from our DropBox account.
4.) You will then have to choose to "open" or "export" the file in "FileMaker GO".
5.) Click here for the free demo!
If you have any questions regarding any of these apps, email us at